
If You Have Body Hair Where You Don’t Want It, Laser Hair Removal Is the Answer

Written by: Lee McDonald

March 26, 2022

People who live in San Mateo are by and large smart cookies. It is a wealthy city, and many residents have their own businesses so they can afford to live there. They can also afford to dress well and look the part, and they have smart homes and smart cars.A laser can remove unwanted hair

In keeping with looking smart, quite a number of people in San Mateo consider removing hair that is unwanted. Girls want it removed from under their arms, men sometimes want it removed from their backs or their chest. Some women have hair growing on their face: it’s not their fault, but they don’t want it. Many of them also have hair on their legs which they would like to see gone. Hair removal is the secret sauce of skin care, and we do it in privacy and with the best technology.

The answer to all these issues is laser hair removal right here in San Mateo. Well, not quite in San Mateo, but in Foster City. It’s only a ten-minute drive. Here you will find Silicon Valley Aesthetic Dermatology where we can get rid of that unwanted hair for you with laser hair removal in San Mateo.

Some Men (and Women) Don’t Have Hair Where They Do Want It!

Conversely, some people also don’t have hair where they do want it! It’s a sad fact that many people suffer from hair loss as they get older and this results in thinning patches on the head, and in men can often be bald patches. Hair is a strange old thing in that respect – you can have it where you don’t want it and not have it, where you do!

However, fortunately, our sister company Silicon Valley Hair Institute has the answer for that one as well. While we can get rid of unwanted hair, they can provide it for you where you do want it. This can be done in a number of different ways, depending upon the individual.

One of these is a hair transplant, and this can either be done manually or with the use of the ARTAS robot which, incidentally, was invented by a team led by our director, Dr. Miguel Canales. He has been engaged with hair – growing it or removing it – for many years, so that his patients can look the way that they want to look. Cool.

So, if you are a San Mateo resident who suffers from thinning hair or bald patches, we’ve got you covered here in Foster City. If you want laser hair removal in San Mateo, we can do that for you as well.

Whatever your requirements, make an appointment for a free initial consultation and an assessment of your condition so that we can provide you with your options.

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