
For Skin Care in San Mateo You Might Like to Try Ultherapy

Written by: Lee McDonald

August 25, 2020

San Mateo is a lovely city, but it is hardly the cheapest place in California in which to live. Indeed, the opposite is true: it is expensive. Ultherapy is a new skin care treatment in San Mateo.Just to give you an idea, the median home cost in California as a whole is $552,800 whereas in San Mateo it is $1,410,700! You certainly need a good job to live in San Mateo.

Of course, San Mateo residents take good care of themselves. They have high-powered jobs and live high-powered lives, so they always want to look their absolute best. That includes always having the latest fashions, the best watches for the men, and jewelry for the girls, a weekly visit to the hairdresser, and for a lot them, skincare as well.

It’s a fact that as we get older our skin begins to wrinkle, especially around the forehead, eyebrows, mouth, chin, and so on. Until fairly recently, there wasn’t a lot that could be done about it, but today, in the 21st century, technology has come to our aid.

Ultherapy For Removing Lines and Wrinkles

One of the latest techniques is something called ultherapy for removing lines and wrinkles. This is a new technology which, if you are looking for San Mateo ultherapy, is not available just anywhere. However, it is available at Silicon Valley Aesthetic Dermatology which, as luck would have it, is just down the road in Foster City.

Here you will find our Director, Dr. Miguel Canales, who is a highly trained specialist in hair restoration and skincare. His whole life is dedicated to making you look the best you possibly can, which is why he has invested heavily in the latest skincare technology.

Ultherapy as we practice in San Mateo is the only FDA-cleared, non-invasive procedure that lifts and tightens the skin on the neck, chin, and brow, and improves lines and wrinkles on the décolletage. The procedure uses ultrasound which lifts and tightens the skin naturally without any form of invasive surgery. In fact, it has already become recognized as the Gold Standard treatment for lifting and tightening the skin without any surgery.

With this treatment, the look of your skin can be improved all the way from your brow down to your chest! It will take years off you. It has already been used in over a million treatments across the world.

Ultherapy uses ultrasound which boosts the collagen, and in addition, it incorporates ultrasound imaging. What this means is that Dr. Canales can actually see the layers of skin that he is treating which allows him to deliver the ultrasound energy to the points that will be most beneficial.

If you are interested in learning more about ultherapy, Dr. Canales provides all patients with a free consult. Just click on the Contact link at the top of the page.

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