
Everyone Knows of Botox, but There Are Several Alternatives

Written by: Lee McDonald

February 19, 2022

Botox is one of the most visible brands on the planet. Many “average” people know about Botox. It’s an incredible product and can really help mitigate the signs of aging.There are alternatives to Botox.

And that is a problem that all of us have. We are all, from the moment we are born, aging. There is no getting away from it. Sure, as we start to grow up, from babies, to kids, to teenagers, to fully-fledged adults, we look a lot better than we did a few years before. In our twenties, hopefully, we look fabulous, and we find that partner of our dreams.

Many of us still look great in our 30’s and 40’s. And beyond. Look at J-Lo for instance. Or Holly Willoughby. Or Sharon Stone. Or even Joan Collins, who is – wait for it – 88!

But sadly, many of us don’t look so good in our 50’s. Some people even start to look older in their 30’s. But today there are things that we can do about those wrinkles, the sagging skin and muscles under the jawline, and so on. And one of them is Botox. This is an injectable that we can provide at Silicon Valley Aesthetic Dermatology here in Foster City, and it has an impact on the nerves in your skin. It is the first and only treatment that is FDA-approved for moderate to severe frown lines, crow’s feet, and forehead lines for adults. The treatments are quick, and you can see results often in just a few days.

Imagine That!

Just imagine that! Today you are 50, and you look it. This time next week, nobody would know that you were a day over 35! What a fantastic result!

The problem that many people have is that although they may look their age, they don’t feel it. It can be extremely upsetting when you feel young, still go to the gym to keep fit, eat all the right foods, and so on, and yet you look “over the hill” as they say. Botox could very well be the answer to your prayers.

However, it might not be the right treatment for you. This is why our expert team, under the direction of Dr Miguel Canales, will assess your individual condition and advise you of the right treatment in your particular case. There are several other injectables, one of which may be better for you. Or perhaps you would be more suitable for a laser skin treatment.

We have all sorts of different treatments available, and the good news is that we are always happy to provide you with a completely free assessment when we can advise you of the best options. Click on the Contact link above to book an appointment.

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