Residents of San Mateo always want to look their best. They dress well. They eat the best foods. They exercise. And they will do anything else that they can in order to keep looking young/glamorous/pretty/handsome – choose your own description. And that is to be admired.
However, one thing that none of them can do is to halt the process of aging. We all get older, day by day, and you cannot turn back time.
However, today we live in the 21st century and what we can now do is to halt the appearance of aging, and in that sense, we can turn back time so that we look a lot younger than we actually are. And why not? Why not look young and beautiful for as long as you can? Take the lovely Joan Collins. Want to guess how old she is? Go on. Have a go!
She’s 88!!
Yup. 88. Can you believe that?
Fair enough, she has had some treatments over the years, as she is the first to admit. But how would you like to look that good at 88? Man or woman?
And today, there are a number of treatments that you can use to take care of your skin in order to look years younger than you are. One of these is an exciting new treatment called ultherapy in San Mateo.
It Uses Sound Waves!
Ultherapy actually uses sound waves in order to improve the condition of your skin and make it look years younger. So, it is a non-invasive procedure, and it is available just down the road in Foster City at Silicon Valley Aesthetic Dermatology.
Here is how it works. “High-intensity focused ultrasound is a non-invasive therapeutic technique that uses non-ionizing ultrasonic waves to heat or ablate tissue”. We thought that would impress you!
But seriously, it is a great treatment for restoring your skin so that it makes it look many years younger than you actually are. Get rid of those wrinkles and sagging skin with ultherapy in San Mateo!
Now it has to be said that although this is an exciting new treatment and has shown lots of promise, it may not be the perfect one for you. That is because everyone is different, and you may respond better to laser treatment, or to injectables. Until we have had a look at your skin condition we cannot tell.
However, if you want to look fabulous, we will be able to recommend the perfect treatment for your individual skin condition, but what is good to know is that we have all of the very latest procedures available at Silicon Valley Aesthetic Dermatology, including ultherapy in San Mateo, so that you can get the perfect procedure for you as an individual.
Book an appointment for a free consultation by clicking on the Contact link at the top of the page.